Parity Bits


Take a monkey, Jeff. Train Jeff to do some task rewarded with a banana. Jeff is pretty content - he does his work, gets his banana, calls it a day.

Give Jeff a roommate, Frank. Train Frank to do the same task, except reward him with two bananas.

Jeff goes bananas. Jeff fights Frank for the unfair banana. Pandemonium.

Take a monkey, Jeff. Train Jeff to do some task rewarded with a banana. Jeff is pretty content - he does his work, gets his banana, calls it a day.

Have a neighbor, Frank, move nextdoor to Jeff's enclosure. They're physically segregated, but they can see one another. Train Frank to do the same task as Jeff, but reward him with two bananas.

Jeff goes bananas. Jeff pounds the barricade between he and Frank. Jeff throws poop. Pandemonium.

Take a monkey, Jeff. Train Jeff to do some task rewarded with a banana. Jeff is pretty content - he does his work, gets his banana, calls it a day.

Somewhere, there's another monkey, Frank. By circumstances not under your control, Frank has been trained to the same task as Jeff, except that he is rewarded with two bananas.

Build a high fidelity digital audio/visual link between Jeff and Frank.

Jeff goes bananas. He pounds the monitor. He throws poop. Pandemonium.

Take a billion monkeys. Train them to do some task rewarded with a banana. The monkeys are pretty content - they do their work, get their bananas, call it a day.

Build a billion high fidelity digital audio/visual links between them and another billion monkeys who live who-knows-where. The other billion monkeys do the same task but are rewarded with two bananas.

Pandemonium at scale!

Inequity is psychologically challenging for monkeys. In the wild, certain drivers of monkey inequity are based on shared local circumstances. A community of monkeys whose forest has burned down all suffer. A community of monkeys living on an island with no predators all do pretty well.

As digital links erase 'locality' as a constraint for close observation of peers, monkeys get clearer pictures of the varieties of monkey life. The two-banana, peaceful-tropical-island monkeys look, shrug, and carry on. The one-banana monkeys become incensed. The zero-banana monkeys whose forest has burned are completely bewildered.

I do not know about globalism's potential for flattening monkey outcomes around the world, but even in the most optimistic estimation, this flattening will be a lot slower than the proliferation of high fidelity audio/visual links.

In the meantime...